
May 10, 2019

Mahmood -- Soldi

Italy at the European Song Festival 2019 in Israel:

In periferia fa molto caldo
(It's really hot in the suburbs)
Mamma stai tranquilla sto arrivando
(Mama don't worry I'm on my way home)
Te la prenderai per un bugiardo
(You will be upset by a liar)
Ti sembrava amore ma era altro
(It looked like love to you, it was something else)

Beve champagne sotto Ramadan
(He's drinking champagne during Ramadan)
Alla TV danno Jackie Chan
(On tv they are airing Jackie Chan)
Fuma narghilè mi chiede come va
(He's smoking Shisha and asks me how I'm doing)

Mi chiede come va, come va, come va
(He asks me how I'm doing doing doing)
Sai già come va, come va, come va
(You already know how things are going going going)

Penso più veloce per capire se domani tu mi fregherai
(I think faster trying to figure out if you're going to fool me tomorrow)
Non ho tempo per chiarire perché solo ora so cosa sei
(I have no time to clear things up 'cause I finally found out what you are)
È difficile stare al mondo quando perdi l’orgoglio
(It hurts to be alive when you lose your pride)
Lasci casa in un giorno
(You leave home out of the blue)
Tu dimmi se
(You, tell me if)

Pensavi solo ai soldi, soldi
(You only cared for the money money)
Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi
(As if you had any money)
Dimmi se ti manco o te ne fotti, fotti
(Tell me whether you miss me or you don't give a fuck)
Mi chiedevi come va, come va, come va
(You used to ask me how I was doing doing doing)
Adesso come va, come va, come va
(Now how are things going going going)

Ciò che devi dire non l’hai detto
(What you're supposed to say you haven't said yet)
Tradire è una pallottola nel petto
(Betrayal is a bullet in your chest)
Prendi tutta la tua carità
(Keep all the compassion to yourself) 
Menti a casa ma lo sai che lo sa
(You keep lyin' at home but you know she knows)
Su una sedia lei mi chiederà
(Sittin' there she'll be asking me)

Mi chiede come va, come va, come va
(Asking me how I'm doing doing doing)
Sai già come va, come va, come va
(She already knows how things are going going going)

Penso più veloce per capire se domani tu mi fregherai
(I think faster to try to figure out if you're going to fool me tomorrow)
Non ho tempo per chiarire perché solo ora so cosa sei
(I have no time to clear things up 'cause I finally found out what you are)
È difficile stare al mondo
(It hurts to be alive)
Quando perdi l’orgoglio
(when you lose your pride)
Ho capito in un secondo che tu da me
I figured it out in one second, by myself)

Volevi solo soldi
(You only wanted the money)
Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi
(As if I had any money)
Prima mi parlavi fino a tardi, tardi
(Back then you would talk to me till late)
Mi chiedevi come va, come va, come va
(You used to ask me how I'm doing doing doing)
Adesso come va, come va, come va
(Now how are things going going going)

Waladi waladi habibi ta3ala hina
(My son, my son, darling, come over here [Arabic])
Mi dicevi giocando giocando con aria fiera
(You used to tell me while playing your games with pride)
Waladi waladi habibi sembrava vera
(My son, my son, darling, [Arabic] It felt so real to me)
La voglia, la voglia di tornare come prima
(Wanting to bring things back to what they were)

Io da te non ho voluto soldi
(I didn't ask you for your money...)

È difficile stare al mondo
(It hurts to be alive)
Quando perdi l’orgoglio
(When you lose your pride)
Lasci casa in un giorno
(You leave home out of the blue)
Tu dimmi se
(You, tell me if)

Volevi solo soldi, soldi
(You just wanted money, money)
Come se avessi avuto soldi, soldi
(As if I had any money, money)
Lasci la città ma nessuno lo sa
(You leave the city without anybody knowing)
Ieri eri qua ora dove sei, papà
 (Yesterday you were here, where are you now, papa?)
Mi chiedi come va, come va, come va
(You ask me how I'm doing doing doing)
Sai già come va, come va, come va
(You already know how things are going going going)

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