
Mar 23, 2013

The famous tourist destination --- Korea (6)

The venue is located nearby, between our village and Seogi-po, the second-largest town here on Jeju Island, on the coast. A popular tourist destination, we have to go see it. Parking lots, tour buses, people. Lots.

 We ask where "it" is. Somebody points down. We descend past this charming tea house into an over-designed park.  

Each footpath is laid out carefully in hardwood timber...

...nothing is left to chance, in particular not the staircases (note the carefully carved profile)...

...ubiquitous signs warn of impending danger...

...keeping the oriental masses on a straight path...

...walking past phallic structures...



...until (this is it folks, this is it already), until they've reached...

...the destination...

...the venue...

...the famous tourist attraction...

...the punch line.


  1. Is that a volcanic rock formation or are you just happy to see me?

  2. We're reading Bram Stoker's "Dracula" at the moment, so our answer is: "both!"
