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Green Eyes
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Oct 24, 2020
We moved, we moved -- and met our first Covid-victim
Yes, we finally did it--did it precipitously, since Chang feared that the Lusitanians wouldn't let us back in, what with the excessive F...
Oct 18, 2020
Trump loses -- singing under the shower
Yes, we know, it won’t happen, it’s unimaginable--in the same way that his win over Hillary was unimaginable... ...but wouldn’t it be nice i...
Oct 12, 2020
Talk, talk -- Niccoló's advice
Oct 9, 2020
The library nobody wants to piss at
Our friend Glenn sends this: Donald Trump tried to go after former McCain Campaign Strategist Steve Schmidt, the head of The Lincoln Project...
Sep 29, 2020
Covering Trump's losses
(Look it up if you don't get it, "Trump's losses")
Sep 1, 2020
Portugal (24) -- Quinta do campo
Brother, or sister, if you care: we've finished the house hunt, and are targeting a place atop a hill in Alcobaça, which is 6 km from th...
Aug 23, 2020
Les temps modernes -- Modern times
"Les temps modernes" --named after Charlie Chaplin's film -- was a magazine founded by Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Paul S...
"Agathon!", "Alcibiades!" -- Alcibiades crashes Plato's "Symposium"
We've been at it for quite a while, Plato's "Symposium." But now we've hooked up with David Cantero , the famous comic...
Portugal (23) -- Praia do Norte
Photo by Chang, taken yesterday (22-8-20) We've been so slovenly and sloppy and not posting for reasons we don't even dare to ...
Jul 21, 2020
Bürchen again -- Switzerland
We're posting this for our Australian friend, Alex Hogan, the famous editor of Gay Flash Fiction -- as usual, we spend the summer here...
1 comment:
Jul 11, 2020
Death on the Beach
Cool, folks, our flash story "Death on the Beach" got reprinted in the summer issue of WickedGayWays :
Jul 8, 2020
Back in Switzerland
House is rented, we're back in Switzerland. Picture taken by Chang yesterday afternoon:
1 comment:
Jun 26, 2020
You know this voice ? (2)
Jun 25, 2020
You know this voice?
Jun 8, 2020
German for beginners -- Lederhosen
Our friend Sacha (depicted as Jack Horn in our literary oeuvre) and we have been back and forth today about receiving pictures from frien...
Jun 1, 2020
Afternoon picnic
...just back from an afternoon picnic in the park, the "forêt domaniale de l'Estérel":
May 26, 2020
Let's change the subject: A UFO, a real UFO, on a video clip released by the US Navy
And this is a resonably learned link about this from VOX
1 comment:
May 17, 2020
How to define Trump per Venn diagram
May 14, 2020
Michael was born 4 years later and still remembers the ruins
(Our friend Glenn sent this:) Fragment, fragment...yes, here, cool, from Michael's essay, My Childhood Ruined, which tells ab...
1 comment:
May 11, 2020
Plato's Symposium
Here's little Michael, done by David Cantero , posing--yes, that's the word--posing as Phaedrus, son of Pythocles , the first speak...
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