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Green Eyes
This Is Heaven
Neologisms (mostly Green Eyes)
Connubial Bliss
Mailing List
Apr 30, 2015
"My friends who live in the area, let me know! Is there some sort of zombie apocalypse hitting town?" --- Seattle 8)
"My friends who live in the area, let me know! Is there some sort of zombie apocalypse hitting town"...
Apr 20, 2015
The walk along the water front --- Seattle (7)
We're on 81 Vine Street, two blocks from the water front, which was remodeled during the 80's to provide the ideal outdoor experienc...
Apr 19, 2015
Forks (2) --- Seattle (6)
"Forks (2) --- Seattle (6)"---we stay true to form with this incomprehensible title. Almost as incomprehensible as this sign... ...
Apr 18, 2015
Forks --- Seattle (5)
Forks. Forks? Bear with us, we'll explain later ( next post ). For the time being, let's note that Forks is the most preci...
Apr 12, 2015
Seattle (4) (Chang)
The Puget Sound with the ferry for Bainbridge (picture taken from our apartment on Vine Street)
Apr 10, 2015
Collateral effects
Apr 7, 2015
Sakura-Con --- Seattle (3) (with Alfred Hitchcock in a cameo appearance (the yellow pants))
Apr 5, 2015
The Shinto Kanamara Matsuri (かなまら祭り, "Festival of the Steel Phallus") is held each spring at the Kanayama Shrine (金山神社 Kanay...
Apr 4, 2015
Interstellar --- Seattle (2)
We're late with this review because we're always late---plus, we're early in the sense that the movie hasn't yet been r...
Apr 2, 2015
Seattle (1)
Yesterday Today And in between Yes, we're swapping houses with a family in Seattle, WA, for a month.
Mar 12, 2015
The view for a few days
We are renting the house for a few days, staying with friends in the meantime. This is the view (we're on the other side of the Ester...
Mar 6, 2015
Always on the right side of the issue
Feb 24, 2015
Shades of grey (2) (Maud)
Feb 21, 2015
Gallery (28) --- Ken Monkman
"Cree Master," Kent Monkman (right, you need a close-up; here it is:) (more art on the Gallery page )
Feb 20, 2015
Welcome to the Year of the Goat (Jezza Smilez)
Feb 14, 2015
(Glenn sent this)
Feb 13, 2015
Shades of grey (1) --- Am I hard enough?
Yes, we're going to do it. We have a little feuilleton on the Grey thing. And we start with something nice, the soundtrack. This is fro...
"Dear Diary" ---- Quantum learning (teaser)
Yes, folks, we have been goofing off. It's a bit more complicated, though, but the net effect is that we have no new teasers for This Is...
Feb 11, 2015
We have been out to lunch in inexcusable ways, but it's not entirely our fault...
...which google-translates into... habuimus ad prandium inexcusabili vias tantum sed non culpam ...which google-translates into... ...
Jan 15, 2015
Gallery (26) --- Lambro Vassiliadis
"Enigma," Lambro Vassiliadis (More art on our Gallery page)
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