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Jun 26, 2011
Bible Studies (1)
We wear hiking boots and sticks and are well-prepared for our walk along the squirrel path here in Bürchen , where the life of the squirre...
Jun 18, 2011
Always true
(Hat tip: Andrew Sullivan)
Jun 9, 2011
"We have the best health-care system in the world"
And here is a longish quote from The Economist , the well-know communist magazine, published under the heading: "One way capitalism...
Jun 6, 2011
Paul Revere: our view
Here's M& 's, admittedly borrowed, view on Paul Revere (reposted) Editor’s prescript: a close friend discovered an important ...
May 29, 2011
Sex and the camels: how the scene was shot
And here is the link. Topical! Timely! Director has a campy voice! They used "blond" camels from Egypt, because the local one...
May 25, 2011
Modernization and progress
Yes, we believe in it. It's perhaps hard to read between the lines of this blog, but it's true: we think that mankind is on the road...
May 24, 2011
Rapture retry: don't give up hope
Rapture warning in the Phillipines Harold Camping , the author of the latest rapture prediction, went public following a few days of si...
May 22, 2011
Rapture reversal: rapture mockers stand corrected
Rapture mockers stand corrected as new rapture evidence is coming to light: We've tried to reach Babette Bienpensant for ...
Rapture recap: Hitler is not fooled
A friend sends this picture and writes: "Tell Hitler I found him."
1 comment:
Rapture recap: fooled again (2) --- the song
Rapture recap: fooled again?
Babette Bienpensant at rapture hour We've asked Babette Bienpensant , Metaphysical University's rapture expert, to share her p...
May 21, 2011
Rapture: all you need to know
Our trusted colleague Babette Bienpensant from the University of the Metaphysical Sciences has gracefully agreed to answer a few questions...
Rapture: the in-depth story
A few quotes from the Guardian : It's a complicated business calculating the precise date of the end of the world.There's the Gr...
Parisian rapture dance
Hat tip: Andrew Sullivan
May 20, 2011
Rapture day (2)
Here's the proof:
Rapture day
In a foreseeable, but somehow under-reported event, the Tea Party is leaving the world tomorrow. Hint: Seven thousand years after 499...
May 15, 2011
Dominique Strauss-Kahn stark naked (2)
Q: So, what does it all mean? A: The end of Strauss-Kahn's (DSK) career, of course, and more. Q: He could deny it; then it's hi...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn stark naked (1)
A former minister of finance of France, he had been married to one of the most beautiful, intelligent, and richest women of the country: An...
May 5, 2011
A year ago: Back from the races (reposted)
Terry, our neighbor, and his lovely friend Anne-Carole have invited us to the 7ème Grand Prix de Monaco Historique . We arrive by train. Ter...
Apr 29, 2011
The royal wedding: it's not over until the fat lady sings
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson Yes, and it's her, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson. She made a documentary about the Cote d'Azur, which included our...
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