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May 21, 2011
Rapture: the in-depth story
A few quotes from the Guardian : It's a complicated business calculating the precise date of the end of the world.There's the Gr...
Parisian rapture dance
Hat tip: Andrew Sullivan
May 20, 2011
Rapture day (2)
Here's the proof:
Rapture day
In a foreseeable, but somehow under-reported event, the Tea Party is leaving the world tomorrow. Hint: Seven thousand years after 499...
May 15, 2011
Dominique Strauss-Kahn stark naked (2)
Q: So, what does it all mean? A: The end of Strauss-Kahn's (DSK) career, of course, and more. Q: He could deny it; then it's hi...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn stark naked (1)
A former minister of finance of France, he had been married to one of the most beautiful, intelligent, and richest women of the country: An...
May 5, 2011
A year ago: Back from the races (reposted)
Terry, our neighbor, and his lovely friend Anne-Carole have invited us to the 7ème Grand Prix de Monaco Historique . We arrive by train. Ter...
Apr 29, 2011
The royal wedding: it's not over until the fat lady sings
Tara Palmer-Tomkinson Yes, and it's her, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson. She made a documentary about the Cote d'Azur, which included our...
Apr 24, 2011
A simple theory of efficient markets
Our starting point is an observation by a Professor Helbing (not Helsing) in an interview with the FAZ . Here is the English translation: ...
Mar 30, 2011
30 years ago: Ronald Reagan shot (reposted)
Reagan was shot, but not killed, kids, and I was there. Sort of. Reagan was shot in March '81 ("Please tell me you're all R...
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Mar 24, 2011
Mourning Elizabeth Taylor tastefully!
Just mourning her? Not enough! We need to mourn her tastefully , Vanity Fair reminds us, and puts up the picture above.
Mar 11, 2011
The emperor has no clothes
"Let me explain."
A moment in time
We're numero uno on the Motigo Charts for French personal blogs (possibly not for long).
Feb 19, 2011
The Freedom Fries Kitchen Cabinet in all its splendor
We usually don't do this, pictures of ourselves. But there you (we) are, with Chang Man Y. (oriental wisdom), Sacha F. (visuals), and M...
Feb 17, 2011
Mein lieber Freiherr: Baron Guttenberg in trouble
FF has held the Baron in high esteem, raving about him as the Minister of good looks , misunderstood by 12 year old Japanese females who ow...
Feb 12, 2011
The masses celebrate our First Birthday
Jan 30, 2011
Davos man (2)
So, Samuel P. Huntington discovered the Davos Man in the '90s in his article (later book) on the Clash of Civilizations , an answer t...
Jan 29, 2011
News from Kazakhstan
The washed-up scriptwriter sends this picture... ...and writes: "Found this picture while searching for images of operating rooms th...
Jan 26, 2011
Hitler interrupts Obama's speech (reposted)
Jan 25, 2011
Egg on your face
"You are not my long-lost half-sister. No-no. Not you!"
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