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Feb 19, 2011
The Freedom Fries Kitchen Cabinet in all its splendor
We usually don't do this, pictures of ourselves. But there you (we) are, with Chang Man Y. (oriental wisdom), Sacha F. (visuals), and M...
Feb 17, 2011
Mein lieber Freiherr: Baron Guttenberg in trouble
FF has held the Baron in high esteem, raving about him as the Minister of good looks , misunderstood by 12 year old Japanese females who ow...
Feb 12, 2011
The masses celebrate our First Birthday
Jan 30, 2011
Davos man (2)
So, Samuel P. Huntington discovered the Davos Man in the '90s in his article (later book) on the Clash of Civilizations , an answer t...
Jan 29, 2011
News from Kazakhstan
The washed-up scriptwriter sends this picture... ...and writes: "Found this picture while searching for images of operating rooms th...
Jan 26, 2011
Hitler interrupts Obama's speech (reposted)
Jan 25, 2011
Egg on your face
"You are not my long-lost half-sister. No-no. Not you!"
1 comment:
Jan 23, 2011
À la recherche du temps perdue
We post comments to New York Times articles on their web edition fairly frequently ("follow me, follow me") , and today we post...
1 comment:
Jan 21, 2011
Plateau de Calern above Grasse
North of Grasse, at ca 1200m altitude, the Cote d'Azur features a plateau of surprising dimensions, built into the mountains, as it wer...
Jan 13, 2011
Joanne and Robert Hall, murder at the chateau (2) (Jacky, Sacha)
Robert Hall Robert Hall, murderer to his beloved wife, Joanne, went without a picture on the internet. How suspicious (even yours truly h...
A lesson in bureaucratology (Sacha)
Senior moment - A 98 year old woman in the UK wrote this to her bank: Dear Sir, I am writing to thank you for bouncing my cheque with wh...
Jan 11, 2011
Michael Williams
We had met him the day before at dinner with Cliona, our neighbor, and Yael, a friend of Cliona. We are all invited over for drinks at his...
Jan 9, 2011
Joanne and Robert Hall, murder at the chateau (1)
You study philosophy at the Free University of Berlin, and you see yourself as a midrange intellectual all your life, and you cringe at the ...
Jan 5, 2011
Prince Charles and Camilla in mortal danger (2)
We've posted on this before . FF's position is unambiguous: a Rolls Royce is the only proper car for an evening out at the opera, i...
Dec 23, 2010
The washed-up scriptwriter and more: novel novel material (Jacki)
Jacki (Jacki and Jacky are not the same person, don't get confused) sends this fragment. Enjoy: He Grasped me firmly but gently just...
Dec 21, 2010
Winter solstice, the shortest day of the year
Richard Cohen has a nice piece in the International Herald Tribune about today, the shortest day of the year on the northern hemisphere. ...
Dec 6, 2010
What happened before the Big Bang?
The big bang mystery (what happened before the big bang?) may have been solved by Roger Penrose (an old friend of FF) and his coworkers a...
Nov 23, 2010
«Amis pédophiles, à demain!» (French for beginners)
The French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, to journalists, in response to questions about his role in the Karachi affair (one of countless Frenc...
Nov 2, 2010
John Grisham: Why is the Tea Party racist?
From an interview in Der Spiegel SPIEGEL: What do you dislike most about the Tea Party? Grisham: I don't understand where these peopl...
Sep 30, 2010
Rolling Stones
in the Waldbühne in Berlin
Rohleder's new home in Berlin Die Neue Zürcher Zeitung has a feature about Alexandra Rohleder . You've heard of her? You didn...
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